Shower fixture maintenance

Nathan Fairchild • Apr 08, 2019

Keep your home in top shape with regular maintenance and professional care. A small leak can grow into a major problem if you don't take care of it quickly.   

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By Nathan Fairchild 10 Oct, 2023
Ensure your home’s sewer system is in top condition with a professional inspection. Contact Denver Sewer Pros today if you notice any signs of trouble.
By Nathan Fairchild 10 Oct, 2023
Unfortunately, sewer pipes don’t last forever. If your sewer pipe is older than 25 years, then it is susceptible to failure at anytime. It’s also possible for a sewer pipe to already be damaged by a tree root intrusion, cracks, or misaligned connections. If your sewer line fails, your plumbing fails, and you do NOT want to get to that point. This will cost you exponentially more money than simple maintenance steps would have. If you’re wondering whether or not your sewer pipe is damaged, here are some telltale symptoms you want to watch out for. Sewer Backups Sewer backups are usually due to a blockage in the sewer line. If there is a backup every time you run water or flush a toilet, it’s most likely your main sewer line because every drain in your home relies on it to properly drain. That being said, if it’s only one drain, it’s unlikely that it’s a problem with the sewer pipe. If you do have issues with all the drains and backups happen frequently, even after getting the pipes cleaned, it may be a symptom of a broken or deteriorated sewer line. The best course of action if you suspect this is to get a sewer video inspection. Sewer Odor If you can smell a sewer gas odor in your home or around your property, this is most likely due to a crack in the sewer system. For proper sanitation, your sewer should be airtight, with the exception of the vent stacks on your roof, meaning you should not smell it at all in your home. This is a telltale sign that something is happening with your sewer pipe. Mold Mold is a major issue for homeowners. If you have found mold on your ceiling or walls, it may be a sign of a break in your sewer lines. If you notice both the sewer odor and mold growing on your walls, it is a clear sign that your sewage drain pipes have broken. Slow Drain If your drains are slow, this indicates that there is a blockage somewhere in the system that will eventually cause a sewage backup. If you are having these issues, it’s possible that tree root intrusion, cracks, or channeling are causing these issues. Please note that if you’re having issues with a slow drain, it’s best to not use chemical drain cleaners. These are corrosive to pipes, leading to damage. Lush Green Patches of Grass Is there one area in your yard that is extra lush and green? This is likely not because you’re tending to this specific spot more effectively; this is often due to underground sewage leaks. Since the sewage acts as a fertilizer, your main sewer line leaking into the surrounding soil will give the grass more nutrients, which can cause it to look more green and luscious. A damaged sewer pipe can lead to major issues for homeowners. If you have not had a recent sewer inspection, it’s time to give us a call. Contact Safe Investment Home Inspection in Denver today to get started. Categories: Home Inspection Denver Tags: home inspection, sewer inspection
By Nathan Fairchild 08 Apr, 2019
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